Resources for keeping up with web technology

As an eCommerce Director, it’s critical that I stay educated on the latest trends and best practices in several areas of internet technology including ecommerce, web development, design, email, social, advertising, mobile, search, etc.

In this post I am documenting some of the resources that have proven invaluable. Scouring the web for this information is impractical, as it’s too time consuming and you’ll never find it all. Why not use the technologies that automatically bring it from the industry leaders directly to you? Newsfeeds are the way to go when you are on your computer* or iPad**, Podcasts when you are on the go…

RSS Feeds


  • AppSlappy
  • The Big Web Show
  • DishyMix
  • Engadget
  • Internet Business Mastery
  • Internet Marketing Podcast
  • iPad Today
  • Leo Laporte – The Tech Guy
  • The Official jQuery Podcast
  • Security Now
  • Tech News Today
  • This Week in Google
  • This Week in Tech

If you have some gems you would like to share, please comment!

* I recommend Google Reader.
** Flipboard app for iPad Rocks!


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